Setup and Configuration: Uniswap New Pool Notification Bot

Setting up the "Uniswap New Pool Notification Bot" is a straightforward process. By following these steps, you'll have the bot up and running in no time, sending you real-time alerts about new Uniswap pools directly in your Discord server.


  • A Discord server where you have administrative rights.
  • A designated channel in your Discord server for the bot's notifications (e.g., #uniswap-alerts).
  • Your server must be registered on the UP3T Dashboard.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Access the UP3T Dashboard:

  • Navigate to UP3T Dashboard.
  • Locate the floating + button at the bottom right of the page and click on it.

Dashboard Screenshot{: style="max-width:100%;" }

2. Choose the Bot:

  • A modal will appear with a dropdown menu.
  • From the dropdown, select "Uniswap New Pool Notification" and click "Next".

Bot Selection Screenshot{: style="max-width:100%;" }

3. Configure the Notification Channel:

  • Choose the designated channel (#uniswap-alerts or your preferred name) from the dropdown where you'd like the bot to send notifications.
  • Click "Next".

Channel Selection Screenshot{: style="max-width:100%;" }

4. Finalize the Setup:

  • The backend will now install the bot to your server.
  • Once the installation is complete, the bot status will be set to "Running" on the UP3T Dashboard.

Bot Status Screenshot{: style="max-width:100%;" }

5. Discord Server Configuration:

  • Ensure that the designated channel is set up correctly on your Discord server.
  • Make sure new members can only see the designated channel until they're verified.
  • Create a role named "Verified" if it doesn't exist. The bot will use this role to manage user permissions.

Discord Configuration Screenshot{: style="max-width:100%;" }

And that's it!

Your "Uniswap New Pool Notification Bot" is now set up and ready to send you real-time alerts. Keep an eye on your designated channel for the latest Uniswap pool notifications!